Are you looking to simplify the booking of meeting rooms in your company ? You've come to the right place! At CK, we know how important good workspace management is to the life of your company. Today, there are innovative solutions that are easy to implement on your premises, making it easier to book your meeting rooms.

Evoko Liso room manager: the ultimate solution for booking your rooms
The Evoko Liso room manager solution is designed to make booking meeting rooms as easy as possible. No more double bookings or interrupted meetings! With Liso, you can check availability and book rooms from your workstation or directly on the touch screen in front of your meeting room..

The system features a clear, visible display on the outside of each meeting room, showing who has booked the room and for how long. Automatic synchronization with your company calendar makes it extremely easy to use. The interface allows you to book a room by simply pressing "book" if the room is free.
Easily find available meeting space
Evoko Liso saves you time by enabling you to book quickly and easily, without interruption. Efficient resource management is facilitated by freeing up a room if your meeting ends early. Extensive compatibility with Microsoft office 365, and other platforms ensures easy integration. What's more, if you have a cloud-based network, Biamp offers a dedicated solution: Naso room manager.
Biamp-Evoko room reservation solutions have all the functionality you need in a self-hosted room reservation system. Placed outside any meeting room, the screen clearly displays whether the room is available or not, and for how long.