Software solution for professional and ready-to-use output management. Optimized for use in reprographic centers and in-house print shops of government agencies, universities and companies.

Gagnez du temps en établissant des procédures d’impression viables et sécurisées pour la gestion de vos périphériques
  • Centralized management of your fleet
  • Facilitates the use of all output devices
  • Reduces the number of repetitive tasks, prevents errors and increases efficiency.
  • Thoughtful and efficient management of your print job queues.
Software that aggregates all job management information to allow professionals to track activity at a glance. All print jobs are listed in the inbox. Print service providers can choose from a wide range of intelligent print functions to manage all incoming jobs. Offering unified print shop management, these solutions integrate all output devices and include time- and money-saving cluster printing features.