The Dusense Dusense Sensory compact coating delivers the digital embossing quality you expect from a professional Spot UV printer. Using Duplo’s proven power technologies and Windows-based graphical interface, installation times are limited and the first printed sheet is saleable. 600 dpi inkjet printing heads allow you to digitally embellish a wide variety of printed applications such as brochures, business cards, greeting cards, invitations, certificates, the list goes on and on.
High definition – 600 dpi ink jet heads
Produce high-definition images from PDF or TIFF files, using grayscale images to create a textured print of variable density, ranging from 20 * to 80 microns thick, all in one go. This technology allows you to combine heavy solids and fine details in the same image, as well as smooth curves and detailed details, in superb fine lines, up to 5-point fonts. * Results for 20 microns are subject to conditions.
Precision in standard – The image marker ensures UV alignment
Two cameras and the Duplo IRM (Image Register Mark) guarantee accuracy of alignment, with an accuracy of 0.2
mm over the entire length of the sheet. With an automatic configuration and adjustment for each sheet, ranging from XY image offset to stretch, tilt (rotation) and twist (distortion) that are particularly common after rolling. All this is done in real time, allowing the operator to focus on other tasks.
Make great efforts to be productive – Supports a maximum leaf size of 364 x 740mm
The Dusense supports a sheet size of 364 x 740 mm, which makes it compatible with any digital production press in the «SRA3» format, or even a B2 sheet cut lengthwise. If you use 1080 sheets of SRA3/ B3 per hour, this means that the Dusense has the functionality to run 600 sheets of 250 g/ m² in 30 minutes of unsupervised operation.
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