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Protecting your company's data is not just a precaution, it's a strategic imperative. A backup cloud ensures that essential data is copied and stored securely in an external environment, enabling it to be recovered quickly and efficiently.

Back up cloud by CK Back up cloud by CK

Why choose CK Backup Cloud?

The risk of losing data due to disasters, cyber-attacks, or simple human error is real and can be devastating to your business operations.
CK offers robust protection by storing your important data in a safe and secure external location.
In addition to high storage capacity of up to 3TB and a 6-week backup history, you benefit from easy installation with compatible Synology NAS models. CK guarantees professional service, with monitoring and support, all secured in a datacenter in Luxembourg.

Frédéric Bonnel - Head of IT - CK Office technologies Frédéric Bonnel - Head of IT - CK Office technologies

« Le NAS permet de faire un premier back-up local chez le client, donc les données sont non seulement présentes sur son ordinateur mais aussi sur le NAS. À cela s’ajoute une sauvegarde «externalisée» sur le cloud pour avoir deux sauvegardes sur deux sites géographiques différents (afin de ne pas perdre les données en cas de catastrophe naturelle par exemple). Il est important pour nos clients de savoir que leurs données sont hébergées au Luxembourg. L’engagement se fait sur douze mois et le prix démarre à partir de 1 TB, ce qui est suffisant pour 80% de nos clients, mais il est possible d’ajouter 2 ou 3 TB supplémentaires »

Frédéric Bonnel, Head of IT

How does it work ?

Our expert IT team starts by assessing your specific needs. We then take care of the installation and management of your project from A to Z, configuring your NAS backup settings. You don't have to worry about a thing: our system automates backups, allowing you to concentrate on your core business without interruptions.

What are the advantages?

› Data security: thanks to our advanced encryption technology and the use of NAS, your data remains private and safe from unwanted eyes.

› Quick and easy access: find your backed-up files quickly and easily, whenever you need them.

› Automated backups: backups are scheduled and executed automatically, with no intervention required on your part.

› Dedicated support from our team: always available to answer your questions and assist you every step of the way.

Don't let IT problems slow down your business. Choose CK Backup Cloud and enjoy peace of mind with a secure, cost-effective backup solution. Protect your data against any eventuality and let our IT team support you in securing your digital environment.



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