Building on its experience in supporting SMEs in the digital world, CK is now offering your company the power and flexibility of the cloud.

Replace your physical servers and management with robust cloud-based hosting, making you more agile at no risk to you.

  • Be innovative and focus on the activities that give you the greatest added value (without having to worry about your IT infrastructure)
  • Make collaborative working easier, even with remote teams
  • Access your data and software at any time
  • Save time and enjoy access to a consistently flexible, scalable service
  • Pay to suit your needs, without IT investment, and avoid high maintenance costs
  • Secure all of your data
  • Benefit from quick adaptation to your needs (infrastructure, storage, applications, etc.)
  • Take advantage of our ready-to-use service, installed and maintained by our IT experts

Why choose our secure cloud service?


CK offers SMEs its packaged, high-performance, secure PaaS* cloud service providing access to your software solutions.

*PaaS (platform as a service) is an available cloud environment where you can choose which applications you wish to install.


Our cloud solution therefore allows you to continue working with your own software and historic partners if you choose. CK also offers a wide range of additional solutions. Wherever you are, all you need is an internet connection to access your working area, applications and data. You no longer have to manage or maintain servers or back up your data, and you also save onsite space.


Boost your employees’ productivity with a service that is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere. Our CK Cloud service helps you reduce your costs for equipment maintenance and updating, and secure your data thanks to regularly performed backups.


Our CK Cloud service can be incorporated into our various other services and offerings. Our specialists can suggest a wide range of products, solutions and software for an office environment.


So wait no longer! Step into the future working world.


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