Contact us +352 26 380 1

Contact our After-Sales Service +352 26 380 500



CK Business Center

2,rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 1

+352 26 380 380

Sales Department

2,rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 1

+352 26 380 380


2,rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 500

+352 26 380-350

Commande consommable

2,rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 1

+352 26 380 380


2,rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 223


CK supports your company in its technological and computer evolution


A wide range of PCs and laptops for versatile use in the office or on business trips


A panel of computer software, adapted to your needs and complementary to the products we offer. 


IT services adapted to your structure and meeting a high security standard. 

With CK, you are sure to choose the best IT products, solutions and services.
Engage with a trusted partner, for the long term!

Nicolas De Jesus
IT Service Coordinator

What we offer

Sales, installation, maintenance and IT support

Our support approach

As a B2B ICT provider

With a long experience and a significant knowledge of the IT world, we will allow you to meet your specific needs while controlling your costs and your investments.

Our teams accompany you at all stages of your projects:

  1. Study of the existing
  2. Definition of the needs
  3. Design and/or development
  4. Integration
  5. Putting into production
  6. Assistance / maintenance

Request your IT offer

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    CK partenaire IT Luxembourg

    Trouver le bon fournisseur IT : 8 questions que les PME doivent se poser pour choisir le partenaire idéal

    Choisir le bon partenaire IT n'est pas une mince affaire, et pourtant, cela n'a jamais été aussi important. À l’heure de la transformation digitale, cette décision est d’autant plus importante, qu’il faut donc se poser les bonnes questions.