Do you want to automate the processing and dematerialization of supplier invoices? Discover the advantages of our solution.

  • Reduce your direct costs
  • Reduce low value-added tasks
  • Gain in flexibility
  • Progressively digitize your documents

What are the advantages of dematerializing supplier invoices?

The advantages of the dematerialization solution for invoices are numerous, and can be broken down into direct costs, productivity, deadlines, risks and quality:



Reduction of direct costs: printing, postage, archiving,
Allows better compliance with payment deadlines, limits the payment of agios and facilitates discounting,
Better respect of defined processing times.



Reduce low value-added tasks to focus on your core business,
Eliminate data entry errors,
More efficient validation process that can be adapted to your requirements.



Gain flexibility by freeing yourself from variations in activity,
Guarantee the efficiency of supplier invoice processing (SLA, secure workshop),



Better traceability of invoices,
Progressive evolution from paper to electronic (single electronic format to feed the financial IS),
Guaranteed conservation.


Process (in our premises):

Dematerialization of incoming supplier invoices

The work can also be carried out directly on your site.


Options :

  • Extraction of additional data (article lines)
  • Mission of accompaniment to the dematerialization of the business process
  • Possibility of carrying out the service in-situ (deployment of resources and/or necessary equipment)
  • Doc.SERIES solutions (Electronic document management)


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